Charismatic Prayer Meeting

1. What is a charismatic prayer meeting?
2. What is the purpose of a charismatic prayer meeting?
3. What does the word ‘charismatic’ mean?
4. Is a Charismatic prayer meeting based on the bible?
5. Can anyone attend a charismatic prayer meeting?
6. Is there a standard format to a charismatic prayer meeting?
7. What are the Spiritual Gifts that are commonly seen at a prayer meeting?
8. Why do people praise God so much during a prayer meeting?
9. Why do people lift up their hands during a prayer meeting? Do I have to do the same?
10. Do I have to say “Praise the Lord!” or “Amen” or “Hallelujah” as others may do?
11. Why do I have to join a prayer meeting? Wouldn’t it be the same if I pray alone at home?
12. Why do people laugh or cry during a charismatic prayer meeting?
13. What do I need to do when attending a charismatic prayer meeting?


1. What is a charismatic prayer meeting?
A charismatic prayer meeting consists of a group of people from varying backgrounds who meet regularly (usually weekly) to offer praises and worship, honour and give thanks to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

The characteristics of a charismatic prayer group are:

• A belief that the baptism of the Holy Spirit received by the disciples in the upper room on Pentecost is available to all believers

• A belief that the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 never ceased to exist, but can still be exercised by all believers who have received these gifts from the Holy Spirit

• An emphasis on living out every day lives according to God’s Word

• An emphasis on Jesus as Lord over the believer’s lives and to develop a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus

• An emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s involvement and being the leader of the prayer group

The key differences between a charismatic prayer meeting and other prayer meetings are:

• An emphasis on letting the Holy Spirit lead the prayer meeting. Songs and other segments in the gathering can all be planned ahead, but that can all change during the course of the gathering as the leader discerns the move of the Holy Spirit

• An openness to allow spiritual gifts to be exercised in the gathering

• An expectation that God will work in power during the prayer meeting and in our lives

2. What is the purpose of a charismatic prayer meeting?
• For people to come together to praise, worship, honour and give thanks to God

• To build up the Church through fellowship with the Holy Spirit and fellowship with other brothers and sisters in Christ

A charismatic prayer meeting is not a gathering to demonstrate God’s wonders and signs. People come together in the spirit of love and humility, surrendering their wills to God and allowing the Holy Spirit to do whatever He wants in the prayer meeting.

3. What does the word ‘charismatic’ mean?
The word ‘charismatic’ comes from the Greek word charisma meaning ‘gift’. It denotes any good gift that flows from the love of God onto us. This includes spiritual gifts that allow every Christian to perform his or her duty for the growth of the Church and for the good of others: ‘But each one has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that’ (1 Corinthians 7:7).
Thus, charismatic prayer meetings are called ‘charismatic’ because:
• the prayer meeting is usually characterised by its vibrant and liveliness
• spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit are very much operative and evident during the prayer meeting

4. Is a Charismatic prayer meeting based on the bible?
Yes. In the days of the Early Church, Acts 2 shows us that the disciples met together everyday in the temple courts and devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship and prayer. Everyone was filled with awe with the many wonders and miraculous signs performed by the apostles. They praised God and enjoyed the favour of all the people which resulted in the Lord adding more believers to the Church on a daily basis.

Charismatic prayer meetings today are modelled on this framework where Christians come together in discipleship, fellowship and worship in order to evangelise and spread God’s Word to the world.

5. Can anyone attend a charismatic prayer meeting?
There is a misconception that people need to be of certain spiritual level or they needed to be empowered with some spiritual gifts before they can join a charismatic prayer meeting.

In reality, a lot of people started attending charismatic prayer meetings not knowing anything about the Holy Spirit or spiritual gifts. Even non-believers initially attend charismatic prayer meetings out of curiosity. Gradually, as they attend these prayer meetings on a more frequent basis, believers and non-believers alike will realise that it is a place where they can find a new dimension to their spiritual lives and discover the love of God in a deeper and more profound way.

6. Is there a standard format to a charismatic prayer meeting?

There is much variety in a charismatic prayer meeting and there is no standard format. However, most charismatic prayer meetings will have the following features:

• Praise and Worship – God is praised in song and prayer for His majesty, His love and His faithfulness, and thanked for His grace in our lives. Music is an important element, helping to lift the hearts of those present.
• Prophecy – someone may speak an exhortation or word of encouragement from God, through the Holy Spirit. The group discerns this word in the light of Scripture and Catholic tradition.
• Scripture – someone may share a brief passage of Scripture upon being led by the Holy Spirit.
• Teaching - A speaker may give a short talk on one of a variety of subjects aimed at helping us to know God and to lead better Christian lives.
• Cell group discussions on various biblical topics
• Intercession – there may be intercessory prayers for the needs of the world, the Church, parish, the sick.
• Pray over sessions – these include prayers for healing and prayers for empowering.
• Testimony - someone may give a testimony relating how he or she have experienced God working in their life, and how God has blessed them and changed them.
Throughout, the aim is to be open to the action of the Holy Spirit in the prayer meeting.

7. What are the Spiritual Gifts that are commonly seen at a prayer meeting?
• Gift of Wisdom
• Gift of Knowledge
• Gift of Faith
• Gift of Prophecy
• Discernment of Spirits
• Gift of Tongues
• Interpretation of Tongues
• Gift of Healing
• Gift of Miracles
(from 1 Corinthians 12 and Acts 2)

8. Why do people praise God so much during a prayer meeting?
God is praised with enthusiasm during a prayer meeting because God alone deserves all the glory and our praises for everything that He has done for us. Praise of God is characteristic of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, in line with the Catholic tradition in which praise permeates the liturgy, song and prayer. St. Augustine said, "He who sings, prays twice."

We should incorporate praise of God into our whole lives because praise places a focus on the sheer goodness of God and celebrates His goodness in our lives.

9. Why do people lift up their hands during a prayer meeting? Do I have to do the same?
Lifting up of hands is a sign for believers who openly surrender themselves to God. It symbolises giving up control and letting God be Lord over our lives. Since surrendering to the guidance of the Holy Spirit is a key characteristic of a charismatic prayer meeting, you will see a lot of people lifting up their hands during praise and worship.

At the same time, people who attend a prayer meeting vary in background and personality. We all express ourselves and worship God in our own ways. Some people find that by lifting their hands, they can express their affection more openly to God. Others find that they do not have to lift their hands in order to achieve this.

The key is that you should pray as you feel comfortable, but also respect others and the way they pray and feel comfortable.

10. Do I have to say “Praise the Lord!” or “Amen” or “Hallelujah” as others may do?
Just like lifting our hands, we do not have to say anything that we are not comfortable with. The important thing is to focus on Jesus, be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit and pray as you know how and feel comfortable with. God will gradually guide and teach us to pray and praise Him as He would like us to.

11. Why do I have to join a prayer meeting? Wouldn’t it be the same if I pray alone at home?
It is important to pray alone at home to develop a personal relationship with God. However, God also wants us to pray together in a group on a corporate (group) basis. Joining a prayer meeting allows us to pray together as the Body of Christ with the common goal of learning from each other, supporting each other and building up the Church that God intended us to do.

12. Why do people laugh or cry during a charismatic prayer meeting?

During a prayer meeting, people may experience God’s love and mercy to such an extent that it causes them to laugh and cry. Very often, these experiences are accompanied with inner healing within the person as the Holy Spirit alone knows what each person needs.

These experiences however, are simply spiritual phenomena and should not be mistaken for spiritual gifts.

13. What do I need to do when attending a charismatic prayer meeting?

• Submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus, who is our Saviour and King. Allow Him, through the Holy Spirit, to work in you.

• Pray that God will open your eyes and heart so that you will desire to follow Him and be a disciple after God’s own heart.

• Submit yourself to become a part of a prayer meeting where other people are seeking spiritual growth as you are.

• Do not be distracted by others or what they do – only concentrate on Jesus.

• Do not be afraid. You are with brothers and sisters in Christ who are God-fearing and responsible.

• Do not form a judgement too quickly. Come with an open heart, listen to other’s testimonies and study scriptures on baptism of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Finally, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you before forming a conclusion.